Ynys Witrin (Old Welsh) Insula Avallonis (Latin)


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How Sir Lancelot rode disguised

in Sir Kay's harness, and how he

smote down a knight.

From Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur

Published 1485



Now turn we unto Sir Lancelot that had ridden long in a great forest, and at the last he came into a low country full of fair rivers and meadows.


And afore him he saw a long bridge, and three pavilions stood thereon of silk and sandal of divers hue. And without the pavilions hung three white shields on truncheons of spears, and great long spears stood upright by the pavilions, and at every pavilion's door stood three fresh squires, and

so Sir Lancelot passed by them, and spake no word.


When he was past the three knights said that it was the proud Kay, he weeneth no knight so good as he, and the contrary is ofttime proved. By my faith, said one of the knights, his name was Sir Gaunter, I will ride after him and assay him for

all his pride, and ye may behold how that I speed.


So this knight, Sir Gaunter, armed him, and hung his shield upon his shoulder and mounted upon a great horse, and gat his spear in his hand, and galloped after Sir Lancelot. And when he came nigh him, he cried, Abide thou proud knight

Sir Kay, for thou shalt not pass quit. So Sir Lancelot turned him, and either fewtred their spears, and came together with all their mights, and Sir Gaunter's spear brake, but Sir Lancelot smote him down, horse and man.


And when Sir Gaunter was at the earth his brethren said each one to other, Yonder knight is not Sir Kay, for he is bigger than he. I dare lay my head, said Sir Gilmere, yonder knight hath slain Sir Kay and hath taken his horse and harness. Whether it be so or no, said Sir Raynold the third brother, let us now go mount upon our horses and rescue our brother Sir Gaunter upon pain of death. We all shall have work enough to match that knight, for ever me seemeth by his person it is Sir Lancelot, or Sir Tristam, or Sir Pelleas the good knight. Then anon they took their horses and overtook Sir Lancelot, and Sir Gilmere put forth his spear and ran to Sir Lancelot and Sir Lancelot smote him down that he lay in a swoon.


Sir knight, said Sir Raynold, thou art a strong man, and. as I suppose, thou hast slain my two brethren, for the which riseth my heart sore against thee; and if I might with my worship I would not have ado with thee, but needs I must take part as they do; and therefore knight, he said, keep thyself.


And so they hurtled together with all their mights, and all to-shivered both their spears. And then they drew their swords and lashed together eagerly.


Anon therewith arose Sir Gaunter, and came unto his brother Sir Gilmere, and bad him arise and help we our brother Sir Raynold, that yonder marvellously matcheth yonder good knight. Therewithal they lept on their horses, and hurtled unto Sir Lancelot. And when he saw them come, he smote a sore stroke unto Sir Raynold, that he fell off his horse to the ground, and then he struck to the other two brethren, and at two strokes he strake them down to the earth.


With that Sir Raynold began to start up with his head all bloody, and came straight unto Sir Lancelot. Now let be, said Sir Lancelot, I was not far from thee when thou wert made knight, Sir Raynold, and also I know thou art a good knight, and loth I were to slay thee. Gramercy, said Sir Raynold, as for your goodness; and I dare say as for me and my brethren, we will not be loth to yield us unto you, with that we knew your name; for well we know ye are not Sir Kay.


As for that be it as it may, for ye shall yield you

unto dame Guenever, and look that ye be with her on Whitsunday, and yield you unto her as

prisoners, and say that Sir Kay sent you unto her.


Then they swore it should be done. And so passed forth Sir Lancelot, and each one of the brethren helped each other as well as they might.




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Merlin the Magician

Born circa 400 CE ; Welsh: Myrddin;

Latin: Merlinus; English: Merlin.



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number of enquiries we receive at

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Death & How to Get Through It

Lentil burgers, a thousand press ups before breakfast and

the daily 25 mile run may put it off for a while but death

seems to get most of us in the end. We are pleased to

present for your consideration, a definitive work on the

subject by a Student of Katherine Tingley entitled

“Man After Death”


The Akashic Records

It’s all “water under the bridge” but everything you do

makes an imprint on the Space-Time Continuum.




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Theosophy Tekels Park

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Article describing Tekels Park and its much

cherished wildlife by Theosophist and long

term Tekels Park Resident Madeleine Leslie Smith


The Theosophical Value of

Tekels Park


The Theosophy Cardiff Guide

to Roath Park / Parc Y Rhath






Teozofio Cardiff

Ĉefpaĝo En Esperanto



Theosophy Cardiff Cancels its Affiliation

to the Adyar Based Theosophical Society

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The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to

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Tekels Park

Camberley, Surrey, England GU15 2LF



Concerns about the fate of the wildlife as

Tekels Park is to be Sold to a Developer


Concerns are raised about the fate of the 

wildlife as The Spiritual Retreat, 

Tekels Park in Camberley, Surrey, 

England is to be sold to a developer.


Tekels Park is a 50 acre woodland park, 

purchased for the Adyar Theosophical 

Society in England in 1929.


In addition to concern about the park, 

many are worried about the future 

of the Tekels Park Deer as they 

are not a protected species.


Confusion as the Theoversity moves out of 

Tekels Park to Southampton, Glastonbury & 

Chorley in Lancashire while the leadership claim

that the Theosophical Society will carry on using 

Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer


Anyone planning a “Spiritual” stay at the

Tekels Park Guest House should be aware of the sale.



Future of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt


Party On! Tekels Park Theosophy NOT


Tekels Park & the Loch Ness Monster

A Satirical view of the sale of Tekels Park

in Camberley, Surrey to a developer


The Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park

What the men in top hats have to

say about the sale of Tekels Park

to a developer




An Outline of Theosophy

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The Ocean of Theosophy

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A Study in Karma

Annie Besant


Karma  Fundamental Principles  Laws: Natural and Man-Made  The Law of Laws


The Eternal Now  Succession  Causation The Laws of Nature  A Lesson of The Law


Karma Does Not Crush  Apply This Law  Man in The Three Worlds  Understand The Truth


Man and His Surroundings  The Three Fates  The Pair of Triplets  Thought, The Builder


Practical Meditation  Will and Desire  The Mastery of Desire  Two Other Points


The Third Thread  Perfect Justice  Our Environment  Our Kith and Kin  Our Nation


The Light for a Good Man  Knowledge of Law  The Opposing Schools


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