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King Morgan Bulc of Bernaccia


Angles under Ida seized the Celtic Kingdom of

Bernaccia in North East England in 547 CE forcing

King Morgan Bulc into exile.

Although much later than the accepted King Arthur

period, the events of Morgan Bulc’s 50 year campaign

to regain his kingdom may have contributed to

the King Arthur Legend.



Celtic Kingdoms prior to the

Anglo-Saxon invasion




Bernaccia (Bryneich / Berneich) was a Celtic Kingdom in the North East of England.


The Bernaccian Britons were the descendants of the Southern Votadini tribes. The kingdom is mentioned in Old Welsh poetry, in the writings of Nennius (800 CE) and in other records under the name of Bryneich or Brynaich.


It is not quite clear whether this is simply supposed to represent a Welsh version of the later Anglian Bernicia, or was the name of a preceding Celtic kingdom. However, as the name seems to derive from the Old Celtic word Bernicc / 'berna' meaning gap or 'land of mountain passes', the latter proposal does describe the area.


Establishing its capital at Corstopitum, just south of Hadrian's Wall, or Cataractonium (later Catreath of the Mabinogion, modern Catterick) Bernaccia encompassed the land east of the Pennines from the Northern border of Ebrauc (North Yorkshire) to the Lammermuir Hills (Southern Scotland)that separated it from the northern Goutodin. Its traditional Northern border was from Gefron (Yeavering, bordering the Cheviot Hills in Northumberland) across to the sea to Din Guardi (Bamburgh).


This is midway between the Walls, but considering the fact that the kings of Bernaccia were descended from Coel Hen, King of Northern Britain, it seems likely that the remaining few miles of territory would also be claimed by them.


Includedin their territory was Ynys Metcaut / Innis Metcaud (Isle of Winds), the Celtic name for Lindisfarne.


The kingdom is would have emerged as a Post-Roman Votadini territory  (neighbouring the Selgovae to the west) and its focus would have been more to the North than towards its Southern neighbours. Like Deywr immediately to the south, Bernaccia had a group of Angles settled in its territory, and these Angles under Ida took control, effectively renaming the kingdom with their Teutonic pronunciation of it as Bernicia.


The  Celtic Kings of Bernaccia    


Circa 420 CE Garbanion ap Coel, Son of Coel Hen, King of Northern Britain.


Circa 445 CE Dyfnwal Moelmud (the Bald & Silent)

Circa 475 CE Cyngar ap Dyfnwal.


Circa 490s - 500s CE Bran Hen


Circa 547 CE Morgan Bulc High King and Last Celitc King of Bernaccia forced into exile


Circa 547 CE Angles under Ida take control of the kingdom, forcing out Morgan Bulc.


Ebrauc lays claims to Catraeth (Catterick).


Apparently ruling the kingdom from a young age, Morgan Bulc remained the titular ruler of Bernaccia from outside his kingdom, and fought on for about 50 years.


He appeared to shift his power base to the Celtic Kingdom of Goutoddin (Edinburgh and Berwickshire), where he is mentioned as ruling after King Gawain absented the kingdom.


It is possible he also claimed the title of High King. He is part of the Confederation of British Kings of Elmet, Alt Clut and North Rheged which, in 590 attempted unsuccessfully to recover Ynys Metcaut from the Angles. He is also credited with arranging the assassination of Urien, King of Rheged (North West England, Lake District, Cheshire), and defeating his son, so fatally weakening that kingdom.




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Merlin the Magician

Born circa 400 CE ; Welsh: Myrddin;

Latin: Merlinus; English: Merlin.



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Lentil burgers, a thousand press ups before breakfast and

the daily 25 mile run may put it off for a while but death

seems to get most of us in the end. We are pleased to

present for your consideration, a definitive work on the

subject by a Student of Katherine Tingley entitled

“Man After Death”


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cherished wildlife by Theosophist and long

term Tekels Park Resident Madeleine Leslie Smith


The Theosophical Value of

Tekels Park


The Theosophy Cardiff Guide

to Roath Park / Parc Y Rhath






Teozofio Cardiff

Ĉefpaĝo En Esperanto



Theosophy Cardiff Cancels its Affiliation

to the Adyar Based Theosophical Society

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Tekels Park

Camberley, Surrey, England GU15 2LF



Concerns about the fate of the wildlife as

Tekels Park is to be Sold to a Developer


Concerns are raised about the fate of the 

wildlife as The Spiritual Retreat, 

Tekels Park in Camberley, Surrey, 

England is to be sold to a developer.


Tekels Park is a 50 acre woodland park, 

purchased for the Adyar Theosophical 

Society in England in 1929.


In addition to concern about the park, 

many are worried about the future 

of the Tekels Park Deer as they 

are not a protected species.


Confusion as the Theoversity moves out of 

Tekels Park to Southampton, Glastonbury & 

Chorley in Lancashire while the leadership claim

that the Theosophical Society will carry on using 

Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer


Anyone planning a “Spiritual” stay at the

Tekels Park Guest House should be aware of the sale.



Future of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt


Party On! Tekels Park Theosophy NOT


Tekels Park & the Loch Ness Monster

A Satirical view of the sale of Tekels Park

in Camberley, Surrey to a developer


The Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park

What the men in top hats have to

say about the sale of Tekels Park

to a developer




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The Dingle, Colwyn Bay

North Wales Coast


Wales is a Principality within the United Kingdom

and has an eastern border with England. The land

area is just over 8,000 square miles. Snowdon in

North Wales is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.

The coastline is almost 750 miles long. The population

of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.



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